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Federal Legislative Update - February 2023

Congress is just a couple months into their new legislative session. There are new congressman, new members in committees, and a change in power in the House of Representatives. For those that follow our state legislation, you will notice that Utah legislation moves quickly, due to only a 45 day session. Legislation on a federal scale will not be like legislation in Utah or any other state. Legislation in D.C. moves very slow, with very few bills making it through the entire process. Here is a quick overview of the current federal legislative bills that you should be aware. These bills were just introduced with most of them not having current text. We will provide additional updates each month on this federal legislation.

S154. PART Act

The Preventing Auto Recycling Theft Act” or the “PART Act” was drafted to prevent the theft of catalytic converters and other precious metal car parts. The bill creates requirements by manuafacturers and provides a grant program for the stamping and identification of current vehicle catalytic converters. The bill is sponsored by Sen. Amy Klobuchar [D-MN]. The bill was introduced on Jan 30, 2023.

H.R. 621 PART Act
The Preventing Auto Recycle Theft Act or PART Act is drafted to prevent the theft of catalytic converters and other precious metal car parts. The bill language is available and a link is below to read. The bill is sponsored by Rep. James Baird [R-IN] and the bill was introduced on January 30, 2023.

In general the bill requires that not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shall—

(1) revise the motor vehicle theft prevention standard in section 541.5 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, to include catalytic converters among the parts specified in subsection (a) of such section; and

(2) update such regulations as are necessary to ensure that the requirements added by paragraph (1) apply to any vehicle covered by part 565 of such title.


As we gather additional information on the bill, we will provide it in future Federal Legislative Reports.

H.R. 799: To prohibit the sale, lease, or use of recalled motor vehicles by Federal agencies, and for other purposes. We are watching this bill closely. Currently there is not text for the bill. An important point to be aware of with this discussion is to make sure that the retail used car market can still operate in selling vehicles that do have current recalls. The industry is currently not in a position to limit sales based on cleared recalls. As more information becomes available we will share it with you. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi [D-IL] and was introduced on February 2, 2023.

H.R. 847: To provide funding to State and local law enforcement agencies to combat auto theft and stolen automobile trafficking, and for other purposes. There is currently no text language for the bill. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Mike Sherrill [D-NJ] and introduced on February 6, 2023.

H.R. 906: To ensure consumers have access to data relating to their motor vehicles, critical repair information, and tools, and to provide them choices for the maintenance, service, and repair of their motor vehicles, and for other purposes. There is currently no text language for the bill. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Mike Sherrill [D-NJ] and introduced on February 9, 2023.

For questions on these legislative bills, please reach out to us.

Adam Jones

Independent Dealer Solutions


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